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Showing posts from November, 2018

Dropbox Nov 2018 workaround

So Dropbox is no longer supporting anything besides ext4 on linux as of Nov 7th 2018.  Here's how to work around that WITHOUT superuser permissions. First, create a sparse file of whatever size you'd like for your Dropbox folder. $ truncate -s 5G ~/.Dropbox.img Now we need to format this as ext4, But we want to make sure that we own the created file system, not the default of root. $ mkfs.ext4 -E root_owner=$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) ~/.Dropbox.img Setup the loopback device with our EXT4 image $ udisksctl loop-setup -f ~/.Dropbox.img You may need to mount the device if it hasn't been already: $ udisksctl mount -b $CREATED_LOOP_DEVICE Check where our filesystem is mounted: $ mount | grep Dropbox.img Move any existing data from the previous dropbox folder to the new location: $ mv ~/Dropbox/{.,}* /$MOUNTPOINT/OF/DROPBOX/IMAGE/UUID$ Link our new folder back to the dropbox folder $ ln -s  /$MOUNTPOINT/OF/DROPBOX/IMAGE/UUID$/ ~/Dropbox You can now star...