Jan 10, 2016 At 12:32 AM My forth case, the one opened specifically for a refund received the following reply: Hi!there thank you so much for reaching us.We appreciate you providing us this valuable information.What we need you to do is to please do contact us on our live queue for us to give our best assistance.Here is the link on how to https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new/ 1.select a product then 2.select flatform and 3.select topic lastly 4.complete request.And our phone or chat advisors will do the rest.Thank you so much again. Nice... Real nice... At 1:11 AM My first case, that I had most recently updated with a request for a refund received the following: I'm afraid that I don't see the connection between your missing quest reward and your purchased content. At 6:58 AM It was hastily explained from my phone: I purchased the content on good faith that the issue would be addressed. Since the game is broken to the point of being unrepairable this is ...